Here you find a collection of technical terms and concepts from zen, contemplation, mindfulnes as well as psychology and religious studies that stem from the traditions that are practiced at the Benediktushof.
We have compiled this collection to the best of our knowledge and belief. Every dictionary is a living web of concepts and therefore nevere complete. Therefore we welcome any suggestions for additions and improvements by e-mail.
Way of the Heart (Dervish)
The Sufi Way of the Heart combines meditation, recitation, chanting, music and dance in the tradition of the dervishes. A central role is played by the traditional turn dance and musical instruments from the Sufi tradition, which lead into the depth of the heart. Body, mind and soul are equally addressed. The goal is a healing life in the world and the awakening to the true being in the presence of the divine.West-Eastern Wisdom
The West-Eastern Wisdom is based on the centuries-old observation that there is a spiritual tradition (a sophia perennis, “eternal wisdom”) that connects all religions in its core across cultures and times: Mysticism always remains the same in essence, be it Western or Eastern traditions. West-Eastern Wisdom integrates the most diverse traditions, supra-religious and trans-denominational. Its aim is to lead people on the paths of modern spirituality into the liberating experience of the reason for being.